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Thoughts & Inspiration

Last Thursday, we had activation day. Activation day essentially consists of hearing a sermon then going out and focusing and the thing you heard. The reason we have this is so that we aren’t just hearers of the Word, but people who live it out. 


Junior, one of the members on staff here in Guatemala, gave a lesson on hearing the Lord’s voice. This was one of the best sermons on hearing the Lord’s voice that I’ve ever heard. I will try my best to give you the general highlights of it. To start off, God wants us to hear Him. He’s speaking to us all the time. God is like a radio station; he’s broadcasting 24/7, but we cannot hear a thing if we don’t turn on the radio and tune ourselves to his station. But as well all know, this conversation is really hard for us to hear in today’s culture. Even when we do hear the Lord’s voice, satan instantly tries to put doubt in our minds. Look at the first time satan speaks in the Bible, he says, “did God really say that?” Adam and Eve were in the direct presence of God as well as in direct conversation with God. Yet, satan still placed doubt in their minds. The biggest lies we often believe are that God doesn’t want to speak to us or that we simply cannot hear the voice of the Lord. Why would our good God want to withhold His gifts from us? Do you truly believe that Jesus came down from heaven in bodily form, got horribly tortured, died for us, and rose again, only to keep Himself from us?

We will always be hearing voices from our flesh, but which voice are you going to listen to?


Now, after hearing a sermon like that, I was super pumped to see what the Lord had to say to me. But after about 30 minutes of complete silence, the only thing I saw was a vision of me on a chicken bus with this voice saying “go further, just a little further.” But as soon as we got ready to go, I quickly realized that we weren’t even driving a chicken bus to our destination. I didn’t understand what the Lord was telling me and figured that it was just my imagination. We ended up driving up a mountain to a town with a lot of witchcraft as well as altars to satan. My group and I spread out to meet people in the town for quite some time. Other members of the group had gotten some pretty interesting visions of things that we continued to look for. People got visions of chickens, red flowers, yellow flowers, yellow fields, and the number three, as well as some visions of children. It had come to the end of our time in the village but me and two of the other guys felt lead to go down a dirt path for no apparent reason. We were told that we got five minutes to be back so we went on our way. As we walked down this path we started to see some interesting things, we stopped at houses with yellow flowers near them, but no one was home. We continued down the path to a farm with chickens, but once again, no one was there. We were about to head back up because our time had already run out but then, out of the corner of our eyes, we saw a very narrow path with yellow flowers alongside it. We weren’t sure what to do but we went on with the mentality of, “go further, just a little further.” We kept walking until very quickly we had gotten to the middle of nowhere, about half a mile into the forest. We were about to head back because we had gone way over the time that we were supposed to be gone, but then, the visions began to ring in our heads. Three, we were a group of three, “go further, just a little further,” yellow flowers, there were only yellow flowers alongside the path. This was the one that hit the hardest, there were typically yellow flowers everywhere, but we could not find a single yellow flower anywhere else but alongside the path. We knew had to keep going. We continued down this path for quite some time until we finally reached a small little village. Directly to our left, there was a massive field of yellow flowers. This village was also full of chickens, which is yet again, a vision someone on our team got. We started talking to the people of the village, they were extremely inviting. After we talked and played with a couple of the children there, we thought it was time to leave. We prayed over the family there and as we were about to walk away, Knox saw a boy who looked almost the exact same as the boy he saw in his vision. We had to leave but as we walked away we counted how many visions were fulfilled with this one experience. In total, seven visions came to fruition from that one walk to this village. Nothing insane happened when we talked to the people of the village, but we all felt that God isn’t done with them. We knew it was only the beginning of our relationship with their community.


God showed us a lot from this whole experience. It truly solidified in our minds that God really is speaking to us if we just cast out the doubts that the devil throws at us. God wants to speak to us and use us, but are we really willing to take the leap of faith and listen to his voice?



3 responses to “Hearing God’s Voice”

  1. Gabe, I really like this story. I agree that you all haven’t seen the fruit of what God is going to do in the village. How crazy is it that he spoke to so many of you about this one village? 7 different visions for this one place! God REALLY wanted you to connect with them. Please go back (and take friends) because I truly believe that God is going to minister to these folks and He is going to knock your socks off! Thanks for being so obedient!

  2. Gabe, thank you for telling us about God’s communication pattern for those who are willing to tune in. What an amazing opportunity we have to commune with God. Thank you for blessing us.
    Dr. B D